ABC – Aerial Bundled Cables

(Figure B) acc. HD 626 S 1

number of cores x nominal cross section max. conductor- resistance min. breaking load of conductor strand current rating in the air 1) outer diameter AL number total weight
mm² Ohm/km kN A ca. mm kg/km ca. kg/km
200090 2x 16 RM 1,910 2,5 72 15,6 93 147
200036 2x 25 RM 1,200 4,0 107 18,0 145 208
200091 2x 35 RM 0,868 5,5 132 20,0 203 277
200092 2x 50 RM 0,641 8,0 165 23,5 290 361
200093 4x 16 RM 1,910 2,5 72 18,8 186 286
200038 4x 25 RM 1,200 4,0 107 21,2 290 430
200016 4x 35 RM 0,868 5,5 132 24,1 406 553
200094 4x 50 RM 0,641 8,0 165 27,8 580 746
200018 4x 70 RM 0,443 10,7 205 31,8 812 1.009
200021 4x 95 RM 0,320 13,7 240 37,8 1.102 1.332
200079 4x 120 RM 0,253 18,6 290 54,4 1.392 1.632
200020 4x 35 + 1x 35 RM 0,868/0,868 5,5/5,5 132/132 30,0 508 694
200095 4x 50 + 1x 25 RM 0,641/1,200 8,0/4,0 165/107 31,9 653 814
200096 4x 50 + 1x 35 RM 0,641/0,868 8,5/5,5 165/132 31,9 682 845
200029 4x 70 + 1x 25 RM 0,443/1,200 10,7/4,0 205/107 36,0 885 1.105
200097 4x 70 + 2x 25 RM 0,443/1,200 10,7/4,0 205/107 40,0 956 1.217
200026 4x 70 + 1x 35 RM 0,443/0,868 10,7/5,5 205/132 36,2 914 1.150
200035 4x 70 + 2x 35 RM 0,443/0,868 10,7/5,5 205/132 40,1 1.016 1.289
200098 4x 95 + 1x 25 RM 0,320/1,200 13,7/4,0 240/107 41,8 1.175 1.438
200022 4x 95 + 1x 35 RM 0,320/0,868 13,7/5,5 240/132 41,8 1.204 1.467
200099 4x 95 + 2x 25 RM 0,320/1,200 13,7/4,0 240/107 42,0 1.247 1.544

1) basic rated current according to HD 626 – 4F former VDE 0276-626

→ other cross-sections on request

Technical values can change. No responsibility is therefore taken for correctness.